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Why Would You Use Operations APIs?

The Operations APIs allow you to report operational changes that were made to a given Dataset or Table using the 'Operation' concept. These operations may be viewed on the Dataset Profile (e.g. as last modified time), accessed via the DataHub GraphQL API, or used to as inputs to DataHub Cloud Freshness Assertions.

Goal Of This Guide

This guide will show you how to report and query Operations for a Dataset.


For this tutorial, you need to deploy DataHub Quickstart and ingest sample data. For detailed steps, please refer to DataHub Quickstart Guide.


Before reporting operations for a dataset, you need to ensure the targeted dataset is already present in DataHub.

Report Operations

You can use report dataset operations to DataHub using the following APIs.

mutation reportOperation {
input: {
urn: "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,fct_users_created,PROD)",
operationType: INSERT,
sourceType: DATA_PROCESS

Where supported operation types include

  • DROP

If you want to report an operation that happened at a specific time, you can also optionally provide the timestampMillis field. If not provided, the current server time will be used as the operation time.

If you see the following response, the operation was successful:

"data": {
"reportOperation": true
"extensions": {}

Read Operations

You can use read dataset operations to DataHub using the following APIs.

query dataset {
dataset(urn: "urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:hive,fct_users_created,PROD)") {
limit: 10, filter: [], startTimeMillis: <start-timestamp-ms>, endTimeMillis: <end-timestamp-ms>
) {

Where startTimeMillis and endTimeMillis are optional. By default, operations are sorted by time descending.

If you see the following response, the operation was successful:

"data": {
"dataset": {
"operations": [
"timestampMillis": 1231232332,
"operationType": "INSERT",
"sourceType": "DATA_PROCESS"
"extensions": {}

Expected Outcomes of Reporting Operations

Reported Operations will appear when displaying the Last Updated time for a Dataset on their DataHub Profile. They will also be used when selecting the DataHub Operation source type under the Advanced settings of a Freshness Assertion.